Thursday, July 29, 2010

Today's Revelations

Here are some of today's random thoughts:

1. I think Cheerio's might be single-handedly keeping my 10 month old alive.
2. I don't like the fact that stay-at-home mom's are not considered employed.
3. I really do have horrible posture.
4. I would love to just lie on the couch and read all day.
5. Sometimes I hide in the kitchen and eat a yummy treat and hope my kids don't find me because I don't want to share.
6. On beautiful days like today, I love living in Vermont.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Here We Go

So, I thought it was about time that I kept a blog. More for myself but hopefully, one day for others as well.
About me: I'm a mom to 3 under 3. Does that give you an idea of the chaos in which I live or should I go on? I also share my home with my husband, 2 dogs and 4 cats. Clearly, a glutton for punishment (and furballs). We currently live in a quaint town in Vermont but will soon be starting on a new Green Mountain adventure. So, push up your sleeves, dust off your boots and prepare for a very bumpy ride.