We've finally done it! Our farm has a name. After a lot of brainstorming, we've decided on Raven Hill Farm. Here's the story behind the name. One day last fall shortly after haying we went outside there was an enormous flock of Ravens in one of our hill fields, on the ground and in the sky (I'm talking hundreds of birds). The noise from these birds and just the sight of that many was pretty incredible. So, we just thought, Raven Hill and it stuck. We also we have a pair of Ravens nesting in the red pines above the horse pasture, they've been so interesting to watch while they build their nest. I can't wait to see the fledglings later this Spring.
Things are starting to happen here at the farm (albeit slowly). Jackson has been boiling down sap into beautiful Fancy maple syrup. Trudging up and down the steep hillside collecting sap from buckets has been rather tricky but the end result is well worth it. A few weeks ago we welcomed our first new animals, three donkeys, to the farm. We have 8 yr old Twinkle and her 6 month old foal (we're still thinking up a name for her) and then 5 year old Jasmine (who the kids call Jazz Man). They're doing great and have settled in to life here at the farm. We are also planning our chicken order (we'll be raising free range meat birds if anyone wants to order some, let me know by April 10th) and are getting 4 pigs at the beginning of May. I can't wait for Spring to really get started here. It's hard to think that winter will ever end, especially as the heavy snow falls outside.
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